Read the Catechism in a Year
I love this email program that my RCIA leader shared with us a few months ago. I’ve long felt like I wanted to explore the Catechism of the Catholic Church in more depth, but it seemed a tad overwhelming. To date, I’ve just looked up a topic I was interested in and read a short blurb or two. Enter Read the Catechism in a Year.
It’s a free email program that you sign up for and daily receive a successive portion of the Catechism in your inbox. Read it in line at the grocery, waiting for your Starbucks coffee or during a quiet moment at lunch. I find I really look forward to reading this every day. Even on a few crazy days, like Christmas, where I didn’t get to it, it was easy to catch up in the next few days.
I’ve even noticed that a lot of what we may be talking about at Mass or even my RCIA class often seem to match up with the day’s topics on the email. And, as you’ll likely start to find like me, when you get serious about Catholicism, the right words just pop up at the right time :). It’s amazing to me how often that happens! God is incredible!
The Catechism in a Year email is powered by Flocknote and actually started Oct. 11, 2012. But I don’t see any reason why you can’t just pick it up at any time and continue on to finish the parts you missed early on. Or feel free to go to their website (which I think they send to you when you sign up for the email) and read it there if you want to catch up now.
This is absolutely one of my favorite finds. To see more resources I’ve found helpful, check out my Catholic Newbie Resources
page. Let me know if you sign up for Catechism in a Year (sign up here) or if you know of any other great free resources I’ve missed. Happy reading!