Signs from Sweet Saint Therese
I have always been a mystical person, believing in signs and of works beyond this world. So I suppose it’s not really a surprise how much I have already “felt” from my confirmation saint, Saint Therese, but in another way to find mysticism in Catholicism was a surprise to me. That was not something I was expecting.
I made the decision a few weeks ago to choose St. Therese of Lisieux as my confirmation saint and have been praying to her ever since. She has unequivocally let me know she’s heard my prayers. What a blessing!
Let me share with you…
In a post a couple weeks ago I shared my first rose. But there have been many more since.
During one of the “scrutinies” (a ceremonial blessing as part of becoming Catholic) I needed my sponsor to be there, but my husband, who was filling in, had to be home with our sick child and I did not have enough time to come up with someone else. I sat there in the pew before mass nervous about what I would do. Lo and behold, right in front of me sat “Theresa” who had lead our RCIA group in the past. I immediately felt I should ask her and I quickly did before mass. Problem solved. Thanks St. Therese!
Another… during my RCIA class a fellow candidate shared a story of seeing a statue of St. Therese (not sure if it was the same one) shedding tears.
Another… After a prayer to dear St. Therese, I opened my email to find an email from a “Therese” (spelled the same).
Another… my mother-in-law, who passed in September, but who was to be my sponsor and who was a huge role model for me, chose as her confirmation saint St. Rose of Lima (note, the “rose” — St. Therese is associated with roses).
Another… St. Therese was featured on a worksheet from my younger son’s religious education class Sunday.
And they go on… Maybe this is wishful thinking but I choose to believe it’s sweet St. Therese letting me know she hears me and is praying for me. Tremendous…