5 Ways to Participate in the March for Life from Home

Teresa Tomeo with Catholic Daughters of America
With blizzard-like weather predictions, it seems many will be missing the March for Life rally Jan. 22. While it’s disappointing not to be there to show your support and make your voice heard in person, there are still lots of ways to join in from home. I’ve got 5 ways you can participate in the efforts to respect and preserve all life from birth to natural death right here:
- Pray! This is probably the most important way you can help the pro life movement from your home. Pray for:
- a successful event
- good weather
- the speakers, journalists and reporters who will be braving the weather and sharing the stories from the ground
- for safe travels for all those traveling to and from the event
- that politicians will not just hear, but listen, and have their hearts opened to the sacredness of life
- that God will transform the hearts of many as the result of this event
- for those considering an abortion that they will choose life
- for healing for those who have had an abortion
- Watch or listen to the coverage on EWTN television or radio – If you can’t be there in person and want to see the event from start to finish, the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) is your solution. EWTN will be covering the March for Life in Washington, DC all day long, beginning at 9 a.m., including the opening mass on Jan. 21 at 6 p.m. ET. EWTN Global Catholic Radio, which is also on Sirius 130, will also be covering the March. You’ll feel just like you are there, except you won’t be as cold or as snow covered :).
- Tweet, post and pin! Help get the word out about the sacredness of life to all those on social media. Let’s take over the social media world for the day of January 22 and show the world how many people care about the sacredness of life. Follow @March_for_Life, @TeresaTomeo & @EWTN on social media for live coverage, photos and videos of the event. Use hashtags as follows to join in the conversation:
- #MFL2016
- March for Life
- #ProLifeProWoman
- #ProLifeGen
- #YouthforLife
- #Youth4life
- #RighttoLife
- #DefundPP
- #ProLifeYouth
- #Life
- #LetLifeWin
- #SavetheBabies
- #WhyWeMarch
- #savethebabies
- #prolife
- #righttolife
- #StandupforLife
- Support Pro-Life efforts – Could you make a donation to your favorite pro-life organization on Jan. 22? Or purchase a pro-life book like the new “Abolishing Abortion” by Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life or support EWTN in thanks for the coverage they are offering?
- Take Action – Now that you’ve seen all the people who believe in life, are you ready to do your part in the campaign to end abortion? March for Life offers some concrete steps you can take immediately, including prayer outside abortion clinics, writing your legislator, spearheading pro-life efforts in your parish and more.
Will you be watching the March for Life from home this year or will you be attending? Let me know!