Do You Only Read Contemporary Catholic Books?
Already an avid reader, since converting to Catholicism I have delved into all sorts of Catholic books — mostly new, but a few classics.
I am currently participating in “Epic: The Early Church” video study through my parish and so picked up some of the early church writings of saints, including bishops and popes, who lived during this period. On my desk right now is St. Athanasius’ “On the Incarnation.” St. Athanasius was the bishop of Alexandria in the early 300s who defended against Arianism, a belief which denied the divinity of Christ.
The introduction to the version of the work I am reading was written by the great Christian theologian and author C.S. Lewis. In it, interestingly, he recommends reading one classic/old book for every new book you read, or at least one old one to every three new ones.
He explains that older books give us a history and context within which new books have descended. Also, every age has it’s own outlook, he says, so it’s important not to solely immerse yourself in that outlook, but present yourself with other perspectives, especially by those deemed great theologians and even doctors of the church.
How many old books do you read compared to contemporary books?
Old books win hands down. I try to keep the ratio of books that are 50 years plus old to new ones 2 to 1.
So glad to have your insight. Thanks for sharing! My only stumbling block with old books is that I find they require more concentration and I tend to read most at night when my brain is tired :). I suppose I need to try to add in some more reading time during the day!
I agree with Fr. Roberts but would add that you not overlook St. Francis de Sales’ works.